The Russian, Ivan Bazin, was a sea traveler all his life, a gentleman and although he may not have been of the upper class, he radiated “class” and therefore became a member of the Copenhagen fencing club. Furthermore, he became one of the driving forces in the club.
He was the person who came up with the idea of making an aquavit with agave syrup from Mexico and with fresh dill from the Nordic countries. The Akvavit quickly gained status as a classic and it was then named “Touché”.
Over time, the Copenhagen Fencing Club went from being a haunt of the upper class to being the place of gentlemen, with a common respect and passion for life. It was the place where you came after a long and hard day and where you just had to “stress” off over a delicious and refreshing dram. And of course in good company. A club based on fencing, drinking and Russian sauna.
No one knows why, but the club closed suddenly in 1920 and Bazin’s recipe for Touché Aquavit was found in the attic when he died 7 years later.